Thursday, April 16, 2020

Why do I need anti-oxidants really~ and what is a free radical anyway? (The Benefits of Vitamin C)

It seems we hear about anti-oxidants all over the place; from food, drinks, vitamins and skincare.  Everyone brags how their product is loaded with this super powerhouse that will help in all sorts of important aspects.  But do you really know what these benefits are, and what they are fighting?  Where do these super duper anti-oxidants come from? 

To best understand what an anti-oxidant is doing for you, it is important to know what they are fighting.  Enter the Free Radical...(sound like something I used to see on my old college campus in Eugene).  Seriously though, the free radical causes tremendous damage to your skin if left unchecked.  To put it simply, free radicals are unstable molecules that are missing an electron and are floating in the air -such as UV rays, pollution or smoke, that bombard our skin and wage a war on our stable molecules for electrons.  As they rip electrons from our stable molecules to help stabilize themselves, a chain reaction of newly created free radicals is caused in our own bodies that leaves behind destruction in our skin that can be seen in the form of things such as fine lines, dark spots, and accelerated aging.  Ugh, not what we were hoping for.  

Enter the Anti-oxidant!  There are many different forms of effective anti-oxidants.  Some of my favorites are Vitamins A, C, E, (which when used together are even more potent).  I adore Niacinimide, resveratrol, and coEnzyme Q10.   Each of these ingredients have benefits beyond just anti-oxidant, however for now lets focus just on Vitamin C.  

Probably the most hyped anti-oxidant is vitamin C- It is great at boosting your immune system, slowing aging, and maintaining a youthful glow.  One of the key ways this vitamin keeps your youthfulness is by helping your body produce collagen.  Since we know that collagen helps keep our skin plump and tight, this is certainly something we want to boost.  So, the more naturally we can get our bodies to product collagen, the less lines you are likely to develop.  Not only does the vitamin C help collagen production in our skin, but it also helps collagen production throughout our body.  The absorbing acid in vitamin c helps in the production of the protein collagen which travels to certain parts of our bodies that are in need of support or repair; scars, blood vessels, surface level abrasions among other things.  

So all that collagen stuff is great, but how do the anti oxidants stop the free radicals?  
Here you go:  Remember how the free radicals were stealing electrons from the healthy molecules in our bodies/skin?  Here is where the anti-oxidants step up and lend an electron to the free radicals, thus stopping the chain of damage that they have started.  So what you get from anti-oxidants is a process of stopping the damage from occurring, plus a process of rebuilding the structure of the skin and body.  However, I do think it is important to take anti-oxidants internally and topically.  So improve your diet, eat the rainbow (as my doc says).  Then find good skincare that you know works.  I will list some excellent vitamin C and Niaminicide products below that I have in stock for you.  
Of course, I can always answer any questions for you, I am more than happy to help.  
Thank you

Silke Face Cream
Lira Bio Hydra C Serum 
Skinscript RX Retinaldehyde Serum with Iconic A
Skinscript RX Vitamin C /Greentea serum

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